Note: When peeling citrus, try to include as little white pith as possible. Dried citrus zest and dried ginger slices are available commercially, or make your own by zesting citrus and drying in an oven at 250° F for one hour. Ingredients Peeled zest from 4 Meyer lemons Peeled zest from 1/2 bitter orange Peeled zest from 1 Eureka lemon 2 tablespoons dried lemon zest (see note above) 1/2 tablespoon dried orange zest (see note above) 4 green cardamom pods, lightly crushed 1 teaspoon dried ginger slices (see note above, do not use powder) 1/4 teaspoon whole coriander seeds 1/4 teaspoon whole white peppercorns 5 dried makrud lime leaves 3/4 teaspoon dried gentian root 1/4 teaspoon whole fennel seeds 2 cups 100 proof vodka 1 cup water Procedures In an airtight container, combine all of the zest, cardamom, ginger, coriander, white pepper, lime leaves, gentian root, and fennel seed. Pour vodka over the ingredients and seal container. Swirl to combine. Keep the conta...
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